Já não sei quantas vezes li o Principezinho... é certamente um dos meus livros preferidos... A minha parte preferida sempre foi criação de laços com a Raposa... Curioso ser este o resultado do teste
5 comentários:
I'm the Flower... "Rarely found and beautiful beyond measure, you are also vain and selfish. You often allow pride to get in the way of your true feelings. Despite this, you are truly loved and treasured"... q achas? n concordo mto :( Beijo ;)
" You are the snake. You know it is lonely among all people. You carry great power within a slim body. You respect what is innocent and what is true." No comments!
Olá Ana, também fiz e o meu resultado foi este: " You are the pilot, and the voice of the story. You are the one who creates and tells the stories for those who could not be there. You are unable to be comforted but wish to comfort others. There is a great something missing in your life. Do not forget that you are much loved. Let sorrow be comforted..."
5 comentários:
I'm the Flower...
"Rarely found and beautiful beyond measure, you are also vain and selfish. You often allow pride to get in the way of your true feelings. Despite this, you are truly loved and treasured"... q achas? n concordo mto :(
Beijo ;)
não és nada!! vou fazer para mim e já vejo o resultado (se for agradável ponho no blog, senão ponho aqui ;))
" You are the snake. You know it is lonely among all people. You carry great power within a slim body. You respect what is innocent and what is true." No comments!
Olá Ana, também fiz e o meu resultado foi este: " You are the pilot, and the voice of the story. You are the one who creates and tells the stories for those who could not be there. You are unable to be comforted but wish to comfort others. There is a great something missing in your life. Do not forget that you are much loved. Let sorrow be comforted..."
"You are the flower."
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